Monday, October 5, 2009

Ice Cream!

Man oh Man i need to update this a lot more but i don't have a computer or a job that i can use time to update my blog but eventually i will catch up. Any way I'm at the library so i thought I would write a quick something.

The other day Hayden had a bunch of change in her pocket and decided to put it in my pocket. She had 98 cents. After she put it in my pocket she looked up at me and said "ISH MEAM ME BEBE" which translated means "Ice Cream for me and Bebe (the dog)." I t was pretty cute so I went and got two mini ice creams for her and bebe, and she actually had 3 cents left over so we put it in her piggy bank. She is just growing up to darn Fast.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Busy Busy Busy

This summer has been crazy and so busy I haven't updated my blog for forever. Well I'm not completely updating it now either, because i don't have a lot of time. But things have been going good and we have had a good summer. We spent time with my family for a couple different get togethers. Hayden and Jt LOVED the rodeo! Jt ended up going every night. we had fun at the fair although i remember the fairs being bigger when i was a kid. And Hayden won the cutest smile in the contest. She fully deserves it, she does have a smile that just brightens your day.
Now that it is fall I am yet again starting to work out, but i am actually sticking with it this time! My muscles are so sore though.
Over the summer I quit both my jobs and was able to not work for a while, but now i am working with the school as a teachers aide for the special ed. And I am absolutely loving it. At first I wasn't sure if it would be worth it because Hayden would be in day care but she loves daycare. She is so happy to go there, yet she's happy to have us pick her up.
So all in all its been a good summer. we didn't do anything big and amazing but we have had a good time!

Monday, July 13, 2009


Lately there has not been a lot going on. We recently got together with my family to celebrate my moms 60th birthday. We all got together Dutch oven potatoes and fried chicken which was Delicious, compliments to my dad. And as my moms gift we are getting family pictures which will be lots of fun!
We celebrated the fourth of July and went to the fireworks in Logan. It was pretty cool but Hayden was a handful until they started the fireworks and she watched a couple minutes then rolled over on me and went to sleep. Its crazy how kids can sleep through things like that. Unfortunately i didn't get any pictures cuz my camera is on the fritz. But yeah that's all that's really been going on.
Oh and we had a fantastic time at church the other day cuz Hayden gets to go to nursery now!!! Yay!! no more chasing her around for two hours (she is pretty good in sacrament most the time). I actually heard all of the lessons!!

Sunday, June 28, 2009


Last week Jt won tickets to the Josh Gracin concert in Ogden so we decided to go to the carnival they were having and do all that fun stuff. We left around 230 yesterday and we ended up not getting to Ogden till 530! it should only take about an hour to an hour and a half but we were taking a different road then we usually go and it ended up being the scenic route! about half of it ended up being a dirt road!!! It had a lot of hills and a lot of curves! but it was a pretty drive, It would've been so much better on four wheelers though, which we passed about 20 or more!
Once we got there we took hayden on some Rides. She seemed to enjoy them, but she wasn't a fan of strangers trying to do up the strap. But some rides would let us do her up so it worked out!

She liked the Merry -go- ground but every now and then she would whine a little and try to get off.

She really liked the boat ride, she loves driving!

After the rides we sat down to eat and watch the concert. We didn't have the best seats but we didn't have horrible seats. Hayden would dance every now and then she decided that she was going to run around so we had to chase her!!!

So get this, the concert was a free concert but you had to have a ticket, Weird HUH!

This is Josh Gracin while i was in line to get a autograph! It was a pretty good concert. And we had a Awesome night as a family!!

Monday, June 15, 2009


One Year Ago Jt and I were Married on June 14, 2008! In The last year we have continued raising our little girl, we moved from Oregon to Idaho, and Jt was Baptized. With in the next year we are planning to be sealed for Time and Eternity! We are both really excited for our future together.

Anyway this last weekend we Celebrated our first anniversary. Jt Planned the whole thoing and didn't tell me what was going on. (it was his moms anniversary of when her and loren first met so we kinda had a double date.) We all drove down to Salt Lake and had dinner and a movie. But it wasn't your typical dinner and a movie. First we went to the IMAX theatre and saw Night at The Museum 2, the first one was better but it was still cool on the IMAX. and that was my first IMAX Movie. Then we went to the Mayan for dinner. Its an Awesome restaurant that has Fire dancers and Diver's. They put on a show every half hour. That night they had 3 shows and we saw one of them twice. It was Pretty Cool!!! I had been wanting to go there for a while but Jt had said that he had no interest in it so i figured we wouldn't be going there but then he surprised me. So I was really excited!!!!!

After dinner we went to the temple grounds and Got Kicked Out!!! So it was kinda late but there was a gate right where we parked so we went in and was walking around. All the buildings were closed but Jt really liked looking in them and now he wants to go when its open but anyway, we got to the other side and a guard asked us to leave so he could lock up. I guess we walked in right before he started locking gates. So we walked around the block and then we took a carriage ride. It was really nice we went around a couple blocks then started up memory grove. It was great.

After that we went to the Reflection Pool and sat and talked for a little bit. We've decided that when we go through the temple we want to go through the Salt Lake temple. We're pretty excited. So yeah, It was a great anniversary and we are excited for the many more to come!!


July 6th was my mom in law's Birthday, So we went camping despite the weather forecast. I had decided we would go out for the day and it got cold me and Hayden would leave. But it ended up being pretty nice for the most part. We were able to go fishing and my mom and dad came out for dinner. My dad had smoked a turkey for us. YUMMY! and we had a good time.

Tami. My Awesome Mother in Law!!!

It was haydens first camping trip, and she seemed to have a good time. Me and her went to bed early while Jt and Tami went night fishing, And then it stated raining but we all stayed warm and dry. Until the next morning. It started raining while we cooked breakfast so we ate in the tent then Hayden sat in the car while we packed every thing up. By the time we were done hayden was the only dry one. But it was nice to get out and camp even if it was just overnight.

Hayden was So excited when we started the fire, This was her the look on her face right when jt got it started

our puppy slept with hayden the whole night!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial day weekend

All week Jt worked so hard so he could have a 4 day weekend, I guess 3 days just wasn't enough. He worked 4 ten hour days so we could have a long weekend to spend together. This is how our weekend was.....

We were all able to sleep in and then Jt and my dad went fishing. I stayed home and played with Hayden in the yard and cleaned house. They finally made it back around 1130 at night!
We went into Logan so I could get flip flops and we went bowling. I don't think Hayden enjoyed it was much as she usually did because it was cosmic Bowling, but she clapped when the ball hit the pins, and of course she always thought it was her turn. We went home and had dinner and watched Bolt. Hayden loves watching movies now, she just sits and stares! Jt and I was going to watch another movie but he fell asleep at 930. So I stayed up and read...

Jt and Hayden wouldn't get up for church. Hayden is just as hard to wake up as Jt sometimes. So I went to church by myself and it was nice to be able to sit and listen and not have to chase Hayden around. When I got home Jt and Hayden went out for a drive while a took a nap and then later on Jt went to the lake while i had Hayden. Then we went and had pie with the neighbors.

Today was more exciting. Jt woke up saying that we were going to have a family day, But then my dad called and they went fishing ALL day again. He said he had to Honor the Veterans so he couldn't say no to my dad. So I had fun day with me and Hayden.

First we cleaned house...not so fun. Then we went to a neighborhood Pot luck BBQ. It was just a couple houses away from us and i only knew one family. But it was good to get to know more people. I learned how small Preston is. So i was over at the Kelly's house for the BBQ and when i first got the flyer I had no Idea who they were, but i went any way and for some reason i had really recognized this house. But i figured it was because i drove past it so much and then we were all talking about dogs and the Kelly's mentioned have two Golden Retrievers. Then it clicked... I knew that house Because i had gone out on a date with their son in High school. We had gone to the movie and four wheeling with the dogs. So that was kind of interesting, they remembered me when I was talking to them about it and said I was one of the only girls he brought home.

After the BBQ I went on a horse back ride around town with my neighbor kids. And that was really fun. Hayden didn't cry for the first minute or so she sat on the horse with me but she wasn't going to ride it. she stayed calm just log enough to take a picture.
After that i decided to take some lunch out to Jt and my dad and i want on a dirt road i probably shouldn't even attempted. I saw a puddle and didn't think anything of it but it ended up being a lot deeper then I thought! And the mud was like clay. I almost got stuck, well I did get stuck, the car was sideways on the road at one point. . But I was able to get out after about 15 minutes and covering my car with mud and a little bit of panicking. I told Jt I went mudding and I think he was a bit jealous the he had never gotten the car the dirty before. When I went to wash it there was at least a inch of mud on the steps under the doors. Oh and Hayden slept through the whole thing!

But we all had a good weekend even though we didn't spend as much time together as we had planned all in all It was a good four day weekend! Oh and Jt didn't get home till 830 tonight and he had no fish!
Hayden was helping do laundry when we were ceaning but she was caught laying down on the job.
Playing outside
Riding the horse.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mothers Day

The Mothers Day celebrations started on Friday for me when I received Flowers from my mom in law, Tami. It just made my day, I absolutely love her. She has always been so nice and caring of me and she's always there for me. She instantly welcomed me into her life like a daughter! She is Just amazing. She has Helped us so much and she was there for me during hard times and pregnancy when my own mom wasn't able to be there. She truly is a Great MOM! I love you Tami!!!!

I then went and spent the day with my family and went home just to turn around and work all night and then again the next morning. I worked for a total of 17 hours with one hour of sleep. It was rough! But Saturday when I got home Jt let me go sleep and as i laid down there was a rose and a homemade card. (He only had so much cash and I had his debit card, so he Improvised)
The card said, " Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, When Hayden poos I think of you. I Love you." It made me laugh!

Then on Sunday we had been running late to church and Jt was complaining that he never makes it to sacrament, so we ended up driving to Swan Lake for church. It was good to see everyone and I even was able to see some old friends that I grew up with. We stayed and talked for a while then wet over to my Mom and Dads to wish my mom a Happy Mothers day, and of course Hayden had fun playing with the dogs.
We went home and Jt pampered me, He made me Brunch with french toast and eggs. And then he even Did the Dishes!!!!! And I didn't have to change a diaper at all that day. It was nice! I really am Grateful for JT he is a great Husband and Dad.

my yummy brunch...

So I had a great Mothers Day! Being a Mom is the Greatest Blessing Ever!

Fun at the Park

Last Thursday I was able to go to Pocatello and help my friend Serena with her hair for a Bridal Fair, It was so fun to see her and catch up, I just love that girl! Afterwards I went over to my sister's and we went to the park. Hayden had never really been on the playground equipment before but that day she was determined to get over there, so i took her over and help her slide down the slides. She tried to climb the rock thing a little but she wouldn't climb u to the slide by herself until Boyd (her cousin) came over to play with her. But she really enjoyed herself. I had to take her to the car to change her diaper and she whined the whole way there, but as soon as i set her down on the grass she was running back to the playground. And then when we left she was whining. So I think I'm going to be making more trips to the park.


So this last Friday all of my family was getting together to go fishing, except for us, or so I thought. I figured we weren't going to make it because JT had to work. Well Jt ended up working a 16 hour day Thursday so we could go spend the day with my family. What a sweet heart!
I was a pretty nice day, it was sunny for a while then it would get cold when the clouds covered the sun, but it wasn't too bad. We all had a lot of fun even though we didn't catch anything, It was good spending time with the family!

Hayden helping daddy with his fishing pole.

JT getting ready to go fishing

My nephew boyd playing with a Caterpillar
My sister Laura and my niece in her sunglasses

Hayden just walking around, In Boyd's Jacket, we forgot hers.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Hayden's tid bits

I have decided that Hayden is really growing up way to fast. Just the past couple of days I look at her and think, "Your not a baby anymore!" She doesn't have the baby look to her anymore, and she is getting tall. She can reach almost anything now, and if she can't reach it by standing on her tip toes she moves her chair to stand on and reach it that way.

Hayden is definitely turning in to a girlie girl. She likes to put any thing she can around her neck, whether it's a scarf or a shirt or a dish rag, she likes playing dress up. She'll finds little things like my hair ties to wear as bracelets and she loves carrying around a purse. And she is always trying to brush her hair.

She also loves having her own little chair. The other day she started climbing on her high chair to just sit in it and then she stared standing in it so I decided it was time to go get her very own chair. Now Hayden sits in it all the time, she loves it.

Everything has a box. If a box is big enough she sits and plays in it for a while but if she finds a shoe box she puts her dolls in it and carries it around the house. If her dolls don't fit she puts little thing she finds and carries them around. But she does seem to put her toys away more cuz she thinks that if they don't have a box they go in the basket, it's nice that she's learning to keep things put away when she's not using it.

Hayden loves playing with dolls and stuffed animals, she cuddles them and tries to feed them and she makes sure they stay warm. She has little doll blankets, but they don't seem to work for her. She has to use my clean dish towels as blankets.

She Loves cuddling, whether she is being cuddled or if she is the one cuddling. When i get her out of her crib in the morning she pulls me as tight as she can. And when someone gives her a hug she usually starts patting their back. When we lay down with her she likes to have a arm over her tummy and she rubs our arm. Just the other day Jt was laying on the couch and she climbed up and maneuvered her way under his head and was playing with his hair. I was cute!

Anyway as you can see my little girl isn't so little anymore, and she is growing up so fast. But i guess that's what happens, i just wish it didn't happen so quickly!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

More Easter Fun

So on Sunday we missed church for two reasons. 1-Hayden woke up really cranky and had a bit of a fever. 2- we all slept in. But any way after breakfast Hayden seemed to be feeling better and it was a nice day so we decided to color eggs and have Hayden do her own little Easter egg hunt in our yard. We had put Hayden down for a nap so while she was asleep we set everything up and did a couple eggs our self. Then when she wake up we helped her dip the eggs, even though she ended up using her hands. But she enjoyed coloring eggs. She liked dipping them in all the colors.

Me ad Jt getting things ready. JT took a self Portrait, he thinks he's so CUTE.

Hayden coloring eggs

The end result.

After we got done Coloring eggs we cleaned Hayden up and took her out side to get the eggs. She figured out what she was supposed to do really fast. She walked around an picked up every egg she saw. After the first 4 or 5 she started peeling the stickers off before she put them in her bucket. IT was so much fun watching her gather eggs.

She tried to carry her bucket like a Purse. She definitely is gonna be a girlie girl.

After the Hunt we went inside and made eggs salad sandwiches. But as i was getting lunch ready Hayden started throwing up, and She had been having bad diapers and a fever, which i thought it was because of teething. However we decided to take her to the hospital to make sure everything was ok. Well it turns out Hayden had Strep throat. POOR GIRL. No wonder she wasn't feeling good. But we got her medicine and She is feeling better today. And later that night we read about the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, which brought out the true meaning of Easter and the Scriptures really touched me and JT both. SO all in all It was a Great Easter.