Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Hayden Singing

It's Kinda Quiet...but this is Hayden singing.

I just love how she combines Twinkle Little Star with I am a Child of God

Just some Pictures

Hayden Rockin her new dress with her glasses.

I just love his Smile!

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas


We had a wonderful Christmas!
Christmas Eve we made cookies for Santa, and opened a gift which was new Pj's and a new game which was Elefun, we played it and Hayden absolutely loves it!!! Then we read the Christmas Story out of Luke and spent hours trying to get Hayden to stay in her bed! she was so excited for Santa to come. Christmas morning we had to wake her up and all she said for a couple minutes was "Presents.....Presents"
I just have to say that my kids are SPOILED! Especially Hayden! She got just about everything she asked for and then some. Her Grandparents, definitely spoiled her. She got a kids computer and a digital camera which were the #1 things on her list. Then she got an Art easel which she loves! And she got plenty of clothes and PJ's and a couple new babies. But Santa forgot her scissors. Hayden wanted scissors so bad and after she opened all her presents and she said " Santa needs to come back he forgot my scissors."
And Zander got pretty spoiled too, with plenty of Chew toys and a bumbo seat and a play gym and lots of clothes.
Jt got me and new camera which is so nice! And I got a couple Cds and books and Jt got a mp3 player and a Raiders blanket and a couple games. So as I said we are pretty spoiled.

like I said we are spoiled

Hayden in her new tutu and her computer. I made the tutu, and when she opened it she
said "i not try it on it too big"

Zander with the new play gym.
Hayden coloring.

she is so EXCITED

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Most Wonderful time of the Year

Christmas time is great!!! We have our tree up, and it beautiful, even if it is fake... Jt talked me into a fake one since we couldn't get up the canyon.
And our first Christmas together, Jt and I decorated Stalkings. This year we decided to do that again, We had lots of fun. I think we're going to do it every year now.

Hayden was actually posing for this picture. lol she thought it was great.

and the reason Hayden posed was because Jt posed for this one...

And Zander is just happy staring at the lights...

Decorating Stalkings

I helped Hayden with her name and then she did polka dots. it started out nice and neat then she got way excited and went crazy...

the finished products

Monday, December 13, 2010

Counting my Blessings

Jt has been going to school and working full time for almost a year now. It hasn't been easy and definitely tiring. He only gets weekends to himself pretty much. and i know he is exhausted. but it wil be worth it. Anyway Jt was layed off last Tuesday, But not to worry he Already found another job. In actuality he had this job lined up for when he is almost done with school, but because he was layed off they let him start earlier then planned, so he started today.
Jt goes to school in Logan and now he works in Logan (30 min away). Before today he was home for dinner every night but now that is not an option, and its a real bummer not having him here. Tonight when i put Hayden to bed she cried "No not bedtime, daddy come eat first." It broke my heart.
But I have to count my Blessing. We are blessed that Jt is able to go to school and better himself to make a better living for us. We are Blessed that he has had a job that will work with him and we are really blessed that he was able to start on this other job after the loss of his first one. And this new Job will be better in the long run with benefits. We are blessed that I am able to stay home with the kids even though its not easy sometimes. And I am Blessed that i have him to cuddle in bed every night, even though its late when he gets home. And I am blessed that i have my weekends with him. No its not easy, but it will be worth it and it could be worse!
And I just have to say That I am thankful for all the soldiers and there families. They Give up a lot of what I am blessed with and wives are left home for months to a year or more with out being able to see their husband. So I am truly Thankful for those Blessings that I have.

Zander's Blessing

On Dec 4th, Jt had the opportunity to bless Zander. Let me just say it was an amazing experience. For those of you that know Jt you know he is REALLY shy. Well he is even more shy about getting up in front of people! And he was TERRIFIED to get in front of everyone at church to give his FIRST blessing. The whole week before he asked me "do I really have to get up and do it in front of everyone?" So Sunday finally came and he was sitting there shaking in church. BUT he did get through it and did an AMAZING job. The Blessing was PERFECT. It was the first blessing that Jt has given. And it brought tears to my eyes and others that I talked to. I'm so thankful for my family and especially my husband and the Priesthood that he holds.

Jt changed right when we got home...

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Happy Holidays


Tuesday Night we had a ward party. We had dinner and the primary did the nativity seen and then Santa Clause came. Hayden stood patiently in line and once she got up to see him, she wasn't so sure about him. She looked at me with the "what do I do" expression. But she didn't cry and she told him that she wanted a camera for Christmas.
I didn't get a pic with Zander cuz there was too many kids so maybe I'll get one at the Swan Lake ward party.
Funny Story (at least i think so)- Jake and Ashlee are a couple of our friends in the ward. And Hayden loves Jake. She always talks about her Best Friend Jake. Well I was in the hall with Ashlee and Hayden for a minute, and Ashlee told Hayden they were going to look for Jake. So they left and went to the gym. They didn't know they were saying a Prayer, so they opened the door and at the top of her lungs Hayden Yelled for Jake. LOL.


This year for Thanksgiving we had Jt's Grandma come and visit for 10 days. And we had dinner at my house with my parents. Dinner was great, Grandma made their family ham, and hash brown casserole, which was enough to feed an army! And my mom helped with all the fixings and I prepared the turkey! I was pretty proud of myself. And Dinner turned out Great.
Me preparing my first turkey. and to be truthful it was kinda disgusting.
and Hayden just likes being in pictures.
And I didn't get pictures of the rest of the day but it was a pretty low key day and nice and relaxing. And we played cards all night with Grandma.
Jt's Grandma was so nice and came out for the Thanksgiving Holiday. She really came out mainly to see her Great Grandkids and she spoiled all of us. I would say she mostly spoiled Hayden which, she did, But I was extremely spoiled, she always got to the dishes before I would get a chance, and she helped clean up after Hayden, and she would watch the kids while I caught up on sleep.
We all enjoyed Grandma being here though, we went shopping and played lots of cards and went to see Tangled. Hayden loved playing with her and getting lots of attention when I was busy with Zander.

Grandma and Jt. He is Spoiled by her too!

Me, Zander, Hayden, and Grandma. I bet you can tell which one of us is not a morning person.

Grandma and and her two Great Grandkids!


(this post is for Laura, she asked me to post pictures of the snow)

The Tuesday before thanksgiving we had a blizzard! A real one!!! And they really did name it The Great Blizzard of 2010. Around here its rare for it not to snow during the winter so its no big surprise that we got alot of snow. They had closed the town of Preston down. You couldn't leave town because you couldn't see the road. And Jt was sent home from work which was so nice. So we stayed up and played cards all night.
I wish I would've taken pictures during the storm but here are some pictures of the aftermath.

Because of this storm we have not been able to go get a tree because of all the snow up the canyons. But we were able to go out to my parents house to go Sledding, Sadly i forgot my camera. Hayden went down the hill 3 or 4 times and was done. I don't think she liked the snow getting in her face. And she wanted to play with the dogs.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

my little toothpaste monster

First off, Hayden has been challenging me in every way she can lately. She has colored on the walls, climbed counters and ran away from me when we go places. I know a lot of it is getting attention since Zander has come, and she all of a sudden had to share Mom and dad. And it does not help that Jt isn't home during the week due to school and work.
Any way she has definitely pushed my buttons and one way she has is by playing with the toothpaste. About two weeks ago she came up to me (while I was feeding Zander) with blue stuff all over her hands and face, growling, saying she was a monster. And the blue stuff was her toothpaste. She of course got in trouble for wasting the toothpaste and making a mess. And of course I hoped she wouldn't do it again. However I was wrong, a couple days later , while I was feeding Zander I heard crying, and screaming "it hot in my eyes." So I got up and found her in the bathroom with MY (mint) toothpaste all over her face and some had gotten in her eyes. And of course I was upset and she was punished and I hoped she learned her lesson.
Well tonight she was upstairs playing in her room, or so I thought. I went and checked on her and this is what I found...

(excuse my voice I'm sick)

Hayden had learned her lesson not to put it on her face... And I was upset but I couldn't stay mad at her because she was so proud of her picture so I grabbed the camera.

Monday, November 15, 2010



isn't he adorable???

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Just some Cute pictures

Zander one month old

Hayden loves holding her baby brother!

Hayden also loves taking pictures with my camera, and loves taking pictures of zander's feet

Playing in the leaves after church


such a cute little boy!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

In Memory of my Secret Grandpa

Back when I was in young women, we did a fun activity where we had a "secret Grandpa." Through out the holiday season each of us had a name that we drew out of a hat, and every week we secretly delivered a little something toour grandpa. One year I had the opportunity do deliver to Ron Centoni. In delivering some of the gifts I would park my car down the road and walk up to his house in hopes he wouldn't see me. His house is surrounded by trees, making it dark and spooky and he had a dog with a mean sounding bark. I was sure that dog was going give me away or was going to get me one night. At the end of the activity all of the young women and there Secret Grandpas got together and had dinner, and we revealed ourselves to them. and I found out that Ron didn't ever see me. And even though we never talked through this activity, it made us closer friends and neighbors.
Ron passed away, November 4th 2010. Ron was such a great man! I loved running into him at the store and seeing him at ward parties. He was always so cheerful and had a smile that could always brighten your day! He will definitely be missed.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My CUTE Kids


This years Halloween was great! We decorated pumpkins. We were going to carve all of them but by the time I went to get the pumpkin carving kit, everyone was sold out, including Wal-mart. So Jt went ahead and did an old school carving, and I helped Hayden decorate hers with some monster face pieces.
Both Jt and Hayden was proud of Jt's pumpkin.

I think they turned out pretty cute!

Zander wasn't to thrilled though.

Jt and I went to a Halloween party on Friday night, and had lots of fun. It was a night out with out the kids (hardly ever happens), with lots of fun people and fun games and yummy food!
This is my new friend Hannah, (she hosted the party) and her cousin Cody, who is definitely a funny guy.
I dressed up as a Fairy and Jt, a Banana for the party. Jt was a hit!
And of course we went trick or treating. We hit a couple houses early in the day here in town, mainly to show off Zander. Then we headed to my small home town of Swan Lake to go Trick or Treating. I love going there to see everyone, and everyone is so nice and invites us in to visit for a minute and they are very generous with there candy and hand out the "good stuff." We had fun seeing everyone and Hayden made out with a ton of candy, so there fore mom and dad got a lot of candy. And Hayden loved being able to pet every ones cats and dogs.
She was the cutest Dinosaur.
It was a great month for us and ended with a perfect Halloween.